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Professional Portal for International Lawyers Alliance

Project Scope

ProInternetSolutions has developed a portal for an alliance of an international business law cabinets. They have launched their common portal that provides a detailed description of the services and expertise of each firm in a professional and modern design.

Online Portal for a Language Institute

Project Background

While English remains the world universal language, knowing other living languages ​​makes the door wide open for tourism, business and professional careers.

Choosing the right learning environment is the guarantee for learners of an effective and interesting course. It is in this context that we were contacted by a Tunisian institute of foreign languages ​​in order to create an online portal.

Online Real Estate Agency

Project Background

Djerba is an island located in the southern tunisia and which has a worldwide touristic reputation with an increasing growth for summer stays. The moderate weather of the island throughout the year, brings back more and more foreign nationals to settle there during their retirement. This dynamic has boosted the real estate market with several active players.

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