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Web Business Card

Web Business Card


Nowadays, nothing is easier to learn about a company's activities than to enter its name on a search engine and access the first link that appears and which will be decisive to bring the simple Visitor to become your loyal Customer.

This is how the so-called "Web Business Cards" sites have significant importance since they reflect the company brand and consolidate its positioning towards the competitors.

Let's listen to your needs

For a general purpose site, the needs of companies vary according to their sectors but they generally target the same objectives:


  • Highlight the expertise of the company through its services.
  • Offer specialized content that provides visitors with new business knowledge.
  • Provide a visually pleasant user experience.
  • Establish links with visitors in a marketing context but also to continuously maintain the content.


What would our approach be

In order to smoothly approach our "Web business card" project, our first action is to analyze the existing situation in terms of our Client's position in relation to the competition, but especially that of the web in their sales and marketing policy.

Once immersed with our Client's corporate culture, we collect documentary resources in order to extract the content that will be dedicated to the site.

Depending on the nature of the project, this content may be fully assimilated to a set of articles or rather structured according to content categories (news, success stories, events, testimonials, etc.). Then, before integrating this content into the site, we agree with the client on the visual design and the graphical chart for the different categories of media (PC, tablet, mobile).

Once the web content is validated by our Client, we move on to the centerpiece of the project: the home page.

The home page

The importance of the home page is that it is decisive for the visitor's first impression and his desire to continue browsing without forgetting that the home page is also the crossroads through which it is often necessary to pass to switch from one section to another.

In this context, the home page is structured in sections such as for example the carousel of scrolling images, boxes in horizontal or grid arrangement, paragraphs in parallax mode as well as presentations in the form of tabs. All of these elements as well as the menu bar must allow access to all the content.

If the number of pages is large enough, article listings are used which present a visual summary of the content consisting of an image and a brief description. This technique is also useful for enriching detailed articles with sidebars thus facilitating navigation.

To get the visitor not to just browse the content but to interact with the company, we implement several techniques, the first being the famous contact form but also the possibility for visitors to comment on the various articles and finally the integration with social networks in order to share these articles or be notified with each new publication.

Work completed? Absolutely not! Once the rendering of the site is finalized, we offer our Client to edit the site in several languages ​​in order to highlight its international dimension while facilitating its access to foreign markets.

To move further on

If web industrialization techniques (CMS, pre-configured design, multimedia libraries) have made it possible to reduce the cost of producing general presentation sites, the fact remains that each site is a unique piece, which has its own own identity, own history and own success.

If you would like to join us for a new web business card adventure, do not hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to contribute to the success of your company.