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Our Values

Our Values

Our Values

When talking about the values ​​that guide a company, it is common to evoke universal principles: integrity, transparency, attention to the customer ... Adhering to such values ​​is an obligation for us to lead a long term career in this field and these are other values ​​that really make the difference from one agency to another.

It is in this context that we have considered authentic values ​​in the sense that they truly differentiate us from other agencies.

Love your work so that you never work

Boredom and frustration are the enemies of success. They confuse the developer and can even alter his relationship with his client. Material and moral recognition certainly motivates employees, but their effects are limited in time.

Money can even be proven to be an enemy of motivation since while seeking a salary increase, we abandon an activity that we love towards another that is less interesting.

At this level, the role of the manager is important, he must challenge his teammates so that they achieve technical promises but above all he must select the projects from those offered in order to avoid the routine of classic projects.

Confidence: hard to gain, easy to lose

Confidence is as important a factor in personal life as in professional life. It is this confidence that brings the developer to outstanding performance to be at the Client expectations and it is the confidence that helps the Client to take risks on the basis of what has been recommended by his developer.

If hostility ejects trust, the atmosphere of collaboration becomes very heavy and decision-making very slow, which directly impacts the product. In such situations, the last resort is to sacrifice some people in the hope that the newcomers will rebuild that trust, which is not always easy.

Provider but still Partner

What interest for a developer to deliver an application in accordance with the standards, to be paid as agreed, but to see his application Client not be profitable, or not use it even. We can say that in such situations, that it is the developer who is thus penalized in the extent that the provided application will not have future evolutions but also it will not serve as references for future similar projects.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to request overall scope information, its financial profitability and the ability of the client to overcome the launching phases of the project.

Rigor but flexibility

Although the sites are virtual constructions, they are governed by various plans and formal documents which leave no detail to chance. Indeed, changes along the way, even minor, are very impacting.

On the other hand, it is common that a customer need is poorly expressed or misunderstood. We also face technical limitations that call into question the initial design. Finally, organizational changes can make the implementation of certain applications obsolete.

The importance of the flexibility factor has resulted in the adoption of new methodologies such as the "Agile" method.

Appetite comes with eating

Due to our career in web development, we have sometimes worked with clients whose financial situation was sensitive or projects whose profitability was not up to expectations. On the spot, one can fall prey to disappointment or even injustice.

However, it turns out that some time later, these same applications regain a new interest which more than compensates for the initial mishap.

So to finish

The field of web development is in our opinion one of the most fascinating jobs which gives us the opportunity to meet several interesting people and several vast horizons. Carried out with a system of principles of values, it reconciles inner peace and material needs.